Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas to Mojo and Katie

And the stockings were hung by the chimney with care....Stocking for Matt, Sara, Mojo and Katie. And reindeer stocking holders.
What was in Mojo's stocking?
Treats. "I can has?" Mojo asks.

Katie playing with her new toy.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Puppy Love

Sorry ladies, Mojo has a girlfriend, and she's the girl next door....Well actually she's the chow mix across the street, but close enough.

These two have a total conspiracy. Because they're directly across the street they can see each other through the front door, and will do their best frantic "gotta go potty" bark whenever they see one another, thus they get a lot of playtime.

They love to play together. They roll around, run, jump and play bite and get their leashes all tangled up, but they have so much fun. 

Mojo even brought her his favorite ball last night.

Sharing is caring.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Paging Dr. Mojo

I was sick today. I just felt horrible, so at noon I went home as I wasn't going to anything done at the office. 

When I got home I passed out on the couch, and Mojo stayed right by my side. He wouldn't get more than an arm's length away from me while I slept and I thought that was cute.

I eventually woke up and checked my e-mail (I'm a total workaholic) and Katie syayed snugly in my lap the whole time, and this isn't something she often does.

Yes, the kids were extra cute today. 

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Live on the web

It's no secret that Mojo is a tad on the spoiled side. He's like our child and even goes to daycare when we can't take care of him.

I just love daycare, but probably not as much as Mojo. He gets to play with other dogs all day, which I'm sure beats sitting in the master bathroom watching the cat sleep all day while mom and dad are at work. He's so high energy, it's great for him to be able to run around all day. My favorite part of daycare, though, is their really addictive webcam, where you can watch your dog play LIVE.

It's a little small and grainy, you have to know which color blob your dog is (Mojo is the black and tan one with the curved fluffy tail), but I can see Mojo smiling from work :)

Friday, December 12, 2008

Umm, stop already

For the third time this week Mojo has tossed his cookies.

He threw up all over the couch this morning. We think it was the carrots (which he eats all the time) because he ate and upchucked the same carrots Wednesday morning. I know because I had to clean them out of the back of my car. So, I'm up to my elbows in dog vomit and that's really much more than my vomit quota, so please Mojo, no more.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Rain Rain Go Away

Today Mojo was sad, and he's usually such a happy dog. Maybe it's the rain.

He doesn't like to go potty outside when it rains. In fact, this morning when I took him out he wouldn't even leave the porch. I offered him an umbrella, but he's scared of the umbrella. I don't think he likes the sound of the rain drops hitting it.

He also doesn't like stepping on the wet ground--whether it's that the ground is squishy or it makes his feet cold, I don't know.

He does like to get towel-dried off though. He thinks it's the best game, getting rubbed and getting to tug on the towel.

Then when I took him inside, he wouldn't go in his room. I had to pick him up. So something is off-kilter with this dog.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Katie Bear

Poor Katie. I think she liked being an only child and now Mojo gets all the attention.
Like Matt said, Mojo's like a needy child and Katie's like a functionong adult, especially when it comes to their care.

Today my boss said that I never talk about Katie anymore. So here's trying to talk about Katie more.

Secret Stash

Mojo has a secret stash under the bed. He likes to take hide his prize processions there. I clean it out every so once in awhile, and I always get a laugh. Last night, I cleaned it out, after he'd stolen something he shouldn't have (don't ask), and I found three socks and various toys pilfered from the cat.

There was a wide variety of socks: a brand new white New Balance sock, an extra fuzzy grey sock and one of mom's white socks. Once I got the socks out, he tried to get them from me. He did manage to get that grey sock and run it back under the bed. Apparently it's a good sock.
He thinks cat toys are a blast, so Katie's frogs and fuzzy toys always end up under the bed. And they're always a little worse for the wear---chewed up and slobbered on. She doesn't play with them anyway.

More Mojo Mess

Another day of dog vomit. Seriously Mojo.

Mojo got to go to doggie daycare today. It's his favorite because he gets to play with other cool dogs all day and get loved on by the Pawtropolis staff.

However, when we got to P-Trop this morning, and he usually jumps straight out of the car and races in, but today he wouldn't get out of his carrier and looked really sad. That's when I realized I hadn't left chewed up food in his carrier.....I guess he got car sick. Poor guy.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Fun with Mulch

     Yesterday was a long day. I woke up at 5 a.m. to the sound of Mojo throwing up. 
     The bathroom where he sleeps wasn't covered in vomit so I went back to sleep for an hour, until the alarm sounded. When Matt woke up to take Mojo outside, Mojo promptly threw up all over the carpet. Apparently he'd eaten some bad mulch. We cleaned it up and didn't think anything of it, until it was time for bed. 
    It was actually past bedtime when Matt finally peeled himself off the couch to come to bed. We did our "tucking in" routine and realized Mojo was trying to clean up some leftovers from that morning. (His toy buffalo had been concealing the stain on his bed).  So we were up until almost midnight cleaning up stale dog vomit. Oh the joys of parenthood.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Sunday afternoon

Katie and Mojo spent Sunday afternoon napping on the couch. Katie was cuddled in the blanket and Mojo (all 37 pounds of him) was perched on the back of the couch. Can you guess where mom had been napping?

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Say hello

We all know that this is how dogs say hello, but who knew goats do it too? 

Monday, December 1, 2008

Dog meets goat

One of Mojo's very favorite things to do is to go to the park by our house. There's  a couple of playgrounds, where he can dig in the sand and sniff all the good kid smells. Back behind the playground there's a small animal enclosure with a frisky goat, two fluffy sheep, several chickens and some of the most adorable bunnies I've ever seen in my life.

Mojo just loves going to visit the goat. The goat will come running right up to Mojo, they'll sniff each other (through a fence) and depending on its mood, the goat will sometimes do a cute little hop. And the goat and sheep will always tell Mojo bye when he leaves.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Is it playtime?

This morning my darling Katie decided to wake me up at 1:30 a.m. She started by meowing up a storm and when that didn't rouse me, she started pouncing on and clawing my butt. She had brought me shoelace (her favorite toy) because she wanted to play. Katie has a habit of bringing toys (and brushes)  into the bed in the middle of the night. I don't think I got up to play with her then. But here's an example of playing shoelace from earlier this summer. Enjoy!

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Cutest kitty in the world

Katie is undoubtedly the cutest kitty in the world. Here she is lounging on the papasan chair (while mom wastes too much time on facebook).  She's a 2 1/2 year old tabbico (tabby stripes + calico colors). She likes snuggling, playing shoelace and making the dog jealous.

First entry

It's the weekend before Thanksgiving and Mojo and Katie are both happy their parents are going to be home all week. Katie's been giving mom lots of love and Mojo has been smiling from ear to floppy ear. It's going to be a good weekend.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Give that dog a bone

Puppy Mojo looked awfully cute chewing on a bone in the his grandparent's backyard. Those brown eyes, those fluffy ears. Sigh.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Playing ball

We tried to teach Mojo to play Fetch today. Not entirely sure he grasped the concept, but he sure tried hard.

Staring at the ball. (He just got fixed, that's why is leg is shaved.)

What now?

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Just Chillin'

To thwart the crowd of ardent admirers at Touch-A-Touch, Mojo sought the shelter of my car.

Look at that smile. So handsome, lil guy.

Saturday, October 4, 2008


 Matt worked the local Touch-A-Truck festival today. (It's where firefighters, police officers, garbage men and more bring their big trucks for kids to ooh and ahh over.) He was exhibiting the police motorcycles. I decided to bring Mojo because I thought it would be good socialization for him, seeing the crowds, the kids, smelling the trucks, etc.

Mojo was SO happy to see his dad.


Then I made Matt pose for a picture. The first one is better of matt, the second is better of Mojo.