Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween from Mojo.

He's sporting skulls and cross bones for the occasion. It's the closest I can get to him wearing clothes. (He's too big for pet costumes and any pet clothes I've found. His chest is too deep even for a XXL. He does fit in my tank tops though.)

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Sunday Morning cuteness

This is what happens most Sunday mornings. I get up early. Matt sleeps in. The kids take full advantage of the empty space in the bed. Look at them snoozing, sharing a space.

Katie's curled up by the pillow. She's the queen of soft spaces.

Mojo's at the foot of the bed, snoring away. Gunnar's curled up with Mojo. They're even holding paws. 

I love seeing them all together.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Mojo's new football

Mojo got a new football on Monday. He loves it. He loves to jump up and catch it in his jaws.

And he's surprisingly good at it, makes it look easy.

He likes me to give him a few tosses before I leave in the morning. He'll stand in his ball-throwing spot, smiling, wagging his tail. It makes him so happy.

Here he is action. (Look how easy it is for him to pick that thing out of the air):

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

King of the Laundry Hamper

I'm not sure Gunnar's ever met a laundry basket, box or hamper he didn't instantly have to hop in.

The other morning I was in the bathroom, and he was rolling around on some towels that needed to be hung up. When I came back in the bathroom, I didn't see him. I thought he had left. Until I looked down and saw the tiny hamper I keep my handwash in. It was overflowing.....with cat.

So, here's my little king of the laundry hamper.

His majesty will see you now. 

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Dog Park Sunday

Another Sunday at the dog park....

Mojo's friend Jpeg came and livened up the party.

Jpeg's dad is a photographer and he is not afraid of cameras.

Mojo and Jpeg sharing a stinky ball on a rope toy.

Cody and Jpeg.

Hi Cody. Thanks for bring me the ball.

Friday, October 21, 2011

My boys

These are my boys: Mojo and Gunnar. They are best good buddies. They hang out all the time. Gunnar comes and gives Mojo kisses every night. They even have a nightly bathing ritual where they lick each other.

They  play flight. And occasionally it gets a little rough. Mojo will step on Gunnar or bite his head. Gunanr will sink his claws into Mojo's snout. But I suppose it's all in good fun.

I never knew a dog and cat could get along so well.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Mojo cuteness

Leaving for work in the morning is always a little sad. Mojo gives me his best puppy-melt-your-heart-depressed face. So recently, when I have a spare minute or two before I have to leave, I play ball with him. I'll bounce his favorite orange ball, and he'll jump up and catch it. Then run around the coffee table a few times wanting to play keep-away. Repeat.

I don't always have time. This morning I hadn't made my lunch and I couldn't find my shoes. But instead of doggie-depressed face, Mojo was wagging his tail in the spot I usually bounce his ball from. It was too cute, so of course we played for a few minutes. It's a few minutes of fun for both of us.

Monday, October 17, 2011


What did Mojo throw up today?

It seems like one of our kids is always blowing chunks. But the question is, what did Mojo throw up today?

A) Kibble
B) Unchewed large pieces of treat 
C) A paper towel
D) All of the above

If you guessed D, you're right. Mojo needs to learn to chew up his treats and Gunnar needs to stop giving Mojo paper towels.

Thanks for playing.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

How rude

Me: Mojo, can I have a kiss? ::leans in::

Mojo: BURP!

Thanks, buddy.

I can has hamburger?

Matt's been on a hamburger making spree lately. Needless to say, the kids are quite happy about it.

Waiting for a bite. Gunnar is supervising.

Look at those eyes

After having a bite. How cute is that tongue?

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Sick puppy

If you're a dog and you're feeling pretty bad, maybe like you're going to get sick, where do you throw up?

A) Anywhere on the floor
B) On the tiled bathroom floor
C) You ask frantically to go outside
D) You throw up on the bed, right next to mom's head, refusing to let your people move you off of the bed and then you throw up on the foot of the bed too for good measure.

If you guessed D, that's what happened at 5:30 a.m. Ugh!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Dog park

After a too-long hiatus, we went back to the dog park this morning. We had seven dogs running around, rolling in the grass, chasing balls and....even eating rabbit poop. Much fun was had by all.

Except perhaps a CRAZY yellow jacket. I don't think he had a fun day. 

I looked down and saw this odd barb on my pants. I was hoping it was just an extra large burr from the woods, but on closer inspection it was a yellow and black yellow jacket balled up with it's stinger in the fabric of my pants. (Thank goodness I wasn't wearing shorts!) I generally freaked out and insisted Matt get it off my pants before that stinger found my skin. He thumped it.

That should have been the end of Mr. Jacket. He should have been phased and passed out in the grass for Matt to stomp on. But this just made the bee ANGRY. And he attached himself to my inner thigh. (How's that for having your hubby get a bug off of you in public?!)

Vicious yellow jacket on Matt's shirt.
After he was off of me, he flew angrily around Matt, landing on his back, his shirt, flying everywhere at once. Finally Matt trapped him in the fabric of his shirt, only to smush him later. But not before the yellow jacket stung his shirt. But the bug is dead. Have no idea why he was so angry.

Here are pictures of the dogs playing in the park:

Sniffing the fence

Getting water

Mojo and Billie Holiday.

Smile, Billie.

Add caption

Bille rolling over with the ball,  she chewed to pieces about 30 seconds later.

Billie's sister, Phoebe. She was all smiles at the park.

All smiles.
Mojo practicing his Gene Simmons impression.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Fighting over a carrot

Mojo and Gunnar fight over a carrot.

Yes, I'm serious. We gave Mojo a carrot because he likes to crunch on them. Gunnar really tried to take the carrot too.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Post #150: A Look Back

I started Mojo & Friends (formerly Mojo & Katie's Adventures) on whim. I just wanted a place to put pet stories and photos without inundating my Facebook feed.

This blog is an account of my life and all of my pets antics. It's the silly things they did (jumping in a bath tub, hiding in a pile of shirts) that I want to remember.

My posts these days are mostly photos, with less text. But a photo is worth 1,000 and there's so much you can tell from these photos. You can watch Mojo go from a baby puppy to a LARGE dog (seriously, he's too big for all dog clothes). You can see how the dynamic changed when we brought home another cat. You can watch the cats sleep in silly places a be a little too helpful around the house.

All in all, it makes me smile. When I'm having a tough day, I can pull up a picture of the pets and instantly feel better—that's the power of Mojo's smile. I hope it makes you smile too.

I'm quite proud of this little pet blog and I hope that it can be a small joy in your life. It's certainly a joy in mine.

(Mojo, Gunnar and Katie's mom)

Here's a progression of our family:

Step one: Sara and Matt

Step Two: Sara + Matt+ Katie

Add in a dog:

Another cat:

It's a houseful, but it sure makes me happy.