Saturday, July 28, 2012

Babies are delicious

I took Mojo outside this morning. The neighbor was out there with his baby. 

Mojo loves babies so he ran right over to the baby and licked her right on the face. And then on the bottom of the foot.

The baby cried. It was a high pitched shriek. I apologized for my overly friendly dog and talked to the baby (No, he is not sampling you, baby). After about 20 seconds she stopped crying.

Thankfully the neighbor seemed unfazed and wasn't too worried about the massive dog and his mouth. "She should get used to it," he said.

So lick on, Mojo, lick on.

Friday, July 27, 2012


It seems that Gunnar has a lot of posts lately. And to be fair to the other pets, Katie runs and hides when I get the camera. That's why you don't have a lot of pictures of her. And Mojo hangs out with Matt and Gunnar is my little puppy. He follows me around and has to be wherever I am. That's why there are simply more pictures of him. He loves to pose for the camera. He doesn't particularly like the flash or me waking him up, but there you have it.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Who me?

After what seemed liked the longest day ever I come home and all I want is a nap. I go to the bed and find that someone has left me a tiny chocolate colored present right in the middle of the bed.


Cat poop in the bed. Seriously? After enough whining Matt came to look and confirmed my suspicions. He thought it was an accidental poo rather than a F-U poo.

So we find Gunnar....and he does indeed need a butt wash. So I take the cat and hold his haunches under some warm water in the bathroom sink. Matt didn't help. He CRIED and fought me, but his fighting was more for show. Thankfully, there were no nails and he didn't really try to pull away. He let me wash him.

Then I decided to towel off his now clean butt. Matt helped me with this part and confirmed that Gunnar was in fact purring while we were doing this.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Kitty Claw

I closed the bathroom door not knowing a certain kitty had snuck in there. So he let me know he was in there and he swatted at my fingers for a few minutes.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Grand champion of the world

Katie under the futon, where I could see her. Who knows where her other hiding places are.

Yesterday we had the plumbers over. And Katie has an absolutely paralyzing fear of strangers. Without exception, she hides until our company has left.

But because the plumbers were coming and going out the front door, we needed to find Katie and lock her securely away so we knew she wouldn't run out the front door.

He couldn't find her so I had to rush out of work and come hom.

It then took Matt and I both looking about 30 minutes to find this cat. Matt finally found her in the very back corner of a bedroom closet. She had tunneled in between some stacks of shirts and was stuck between the very back corner and a shelf. 

It took another 10 minutes to wrangle her out. We had to take all the clothes out. Then I pushed on her butt, while Matt pulled. She dug her claws in the carpet. So I had to unhook her claws while Matt pulled her out of the closet. Not an easy task at all.

So there it is Katie. If there was an Olympics for hiding, you wouldn't win the gold medal. You'd win something better, like a platinum medal. 

Oh, and she did this all again later. We locked her in one room and I couldn't find her. I looked under the couch, in the closet, everywhere.

Grand champion of the world.

P.S. This is what our bathroom looks like when plumbers are trying to figure out what's wrong. They finally figured out that we have roots in the pipes under the foundation. That's a camera snake on the toilet.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Pet photobook

I had to go home today to help Matt with the pets while the plumbers were the the house. Mojo had a blast hanging out with mom during the day. Katie not so much. But I made them pose for a picture.