Sunday, July 17, 2011

House sitting

Matt and I went to Savannah for a few days and we got a house sitter for the kids. We've gone on very few vacations since getting our brood since they don't really like to be left. Mojo especially doesn't like staying overnight at Pawtropolis, so we tried a house sitter. The other alternative is not going anywhere, and that's not fun.

My brother has watched the kids here and there. We had him come over the day before we left. He played with Mojo. I showed him how Mojo likes to play keep-away with his orange ball and Mojo plopped down on his lap (he thinks he's a lapdog.) They had fun and we told Mojo that it was going to be a Mojo and Danny party for a few days. Mojo thought this sounded great.

So we packed up. Gunnar played in my suitcase. I don't think he'd have fun on a 4-hour car ride or in a hotel room, so he had to stay.

Fast forward to Friday....We came home to an open door. We were scared to death Gunnar had escaped, and so I ran in the house to check on the cat. (Not even thinking about WHY the door might have been ajar: burglars, etcs.)

But my brother was in the kitchen cleaning and all the pets were in tact. Mostly.

The house was in the mid-80's as my brother apparently didn't understand the note on how to fix the A/C. And he tried to use our broken toilet (same note.)

As soon as we got home, my phone beeped with an hours old message that Mojo had a bathroom problem and had needed a bath. Joy.

My brother left and Mojo barfed a few times. (Someone had left the baby gates up and Mojo ate something he shouldn't have. Kitty litter is my theory.)

Otherwise, Mojo was fine. He was happy he got someone to play with. The last time we left him, he was mopey/mad at us for a month. So, cleanup aside, having a house sitter worked for him.

Gunnar was completely unfazed. Really, he couldn't care less as long as he got food, cuddles and play time. But I expected as much. Crazy cat.

As expected, Katie hid the entire time and didn't eat much. After my brother left, she finally came out from under the bed and was skittish for a few hours, then gave us extra loves. She seemed to be happy we were home.

So, will they let us leave again? Maybe, but I doubt my brother will offer to house sit again.

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