Friday, September 23, 2011


Our dog is fat.

His annual trip to the vet revealed what I'd been expecting: 75 pounds. He's up 13 pounds since last year. It's his cookie weight. He won't eat his food unless there are treats in it. He expects a cookie every time he goes on a walk or does his business. If you forget, he'll remind you by walking over to his treat spot and putting his snout as close as possible to the treats.

We spend a fortune on treats: Beggin' Strips, Snausages. His favorite are Lick-N-Crunch cookies—peanut butter sandwich cookies for dogs.

Also, his dad took him for an ice cream cone on the way home. They have a tradition of stopping for food on the way home from the vet. This might be part of the problem.

He needs to get more exercise and go on more walks and lay off the cookies. It's diet time, buddy.

Also, ouch did this vet trip hurt. And I'm not talking about the shots, it was the bill. $270.

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