Sunday, October 9, 2011

Dog park

After a too-long hiatus, we went back to the dog park this morning. We had seven dogs running around, rolling in the grass, chasing balls and....even eating rabbit poop. Much fun was had by all.

Except perhaps a CRAZY yellow jacket. I don't think he had a fun day. 

I looked down and saw this odd barb on my pants. I was hoping it was just an extra large burr from the woods, but on closer inspection it was a yellow and black yellow jacket balled up with it's stinger in the fabric of my pants. (Thank goodness I wasn't wearing shorts!) I generally freaked out and insisted Matt get it off my pants before that stinger found my skin. He thumped it.

That should have been the end of Mr. Jacket. He should have been phased and passed out in the grass for Matt to stomp on. But this just made the bee ANGRY. And he attached himself to my inner thigh. (How's that for having your hubby get a bug off of you in public?!)

Vicious yellow jacket on Matt's shirt.
After he was off of me, he flew angrily around Matt, landing on his back, his shirt, flying everywhere at once. Finally Matt trapped him in the fabric of his shirt, only to smush him later. But not before the yellow jacket stung his shirt. But the bug is dead. Have no idea why he was so angry.

Here are pictures of the dogs playing in the park:

Sniffing the fence

Getting water

Mojo and Billie Holiday.

Smile, Billie.

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Bille rolling over with the ball,  she chewed to pieces about 30 seconds later.

Billie's sister, Phoebe. She was all smiles at the park.

All smiles.
Mojo practicing his Gene Simmons impression.

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