Saturday, October 1, 2011

Post #150: A Look Back

I started Mojo & Friends (formerly Mojo & Katie's Adventures) on whim. I just wanted a place to put pet stories and photos without inundating my Facebook feed.

This blog is an account of my life and all of my pets antics. It's the silly things they did (jumping in a bath tub, hiding in a pile of shirts) that I want to remember.

My posts these days are mostly photos, with less text. But a photo is worth 1,000 and there's so much you can tell from these photos. You can watch Mojo go from a baby puppy to a LARGE dog (seriously, he's too big for all dog clothes). You can see how the dynamic changed when we brought home another cat. You can watch the cats sleep in silly places a be a little too helpful around the house.

All in all, it makes me smile. When I'm having a tough day, I can pull up a picture of the pets and instantly feel better—that's the power of Mojo's smile. I hope it makes you smile too.

I'm quite proud of this little pet blog and I hope that it can be a small joy in your life. It's certainly a joy in mine.

(Mojo, Gunnar and Katie's mom)

Here's a progression of our family:

Step one: Sara and Matt

Step Two: Sara + Matt+ Katie

Add in a dog:

Another cat:

It's a houseful, but it sure makes me happy. 

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