It was a beautiful Saturday morning. I'd just gotten back from the grocery store and I decided to take Mojo on a lunchtime walk. Rather than the normal way, he decided he wanted to go to the school next to our house. He hadn't been there to play in awhile, so I obliged.
He went poop right by the school sign (of course). I went to pick up after him and wouldn't you know, my bag's end had broken so the poop fell right out.
We proceeded on to the playground, where I sometimes (don't tell dad) let him runaround off leash, when we are far enough way from the road. Mojo ranup the stairs on the play center. He then ran quickly down and chomped up what I thought was wood chips.
I chased after him to get the wood chips. Then I decided one mouthful of wood chips wouldn't hurt him.
He just kept smacking on them though, giving me this really arrogant sly look—like he'd gotten something great that he knew he wasn't supposed to have.
So I chased after him again. I pried open his teeth and, there stuck on the top of his mouth was pink aluminum foil, the kind those tiny chocolate Easter eggs come in. My first thought was that it was bubble gum—which can be deadly to dog if it's the sugar free kind.
I pulled the gooey, chocolately mess out of his mouth. At first I threw the goop to the ground, but then took it to the trash can when I realized he, or another dog, could just get it again.
My hands were covered in chocolate and brown stains from the aforementioned bag incident. I had a white shirt on and all I could do was wipe my hands on the grass.
I think I got enough of the chocolate out of his mouth that he won't be sick. And I guess that was his Easter. Just don't tell dad what the Easter Bunny brought him ;)