Tuesday, January 24, 2012

A Few of My Favorite Things

Amazon had the Sound of Music soundtrack on sale for $5, so it's been a Sound of Music fest at our house for the last few days. And Mojo loves it. He wags his little his tail in time to the music.

He particularly likes The Lonely Goatherd. That's the fun song with the yodeling from the puppet show. Why a shepherd likes a song about goats is anyone's guess

And of course he likes Do-Re-Mi and My Favorite Things (except the dog barking part because he LOVES to bark).

He also thinks the music means play time because he wants to dance and play when he hears it. :)

What can I say? He has good taste in music

Monday, January 23, 2012

Hand Wash Only

This kitty is hand wash only please. Don't put him in the washing machine.  I'm not really sure what he was doing in my laundry hamper, but there you go.

Friday, January 20, 2012

The Bark Side

Dogs barking the Imperial March from Star Wars?! 

I almost died laughing it was so funny and awesome at the same time. 

I sent Matt and text that he HAD to watch it.

Well he did and Mojo didn't think it was that awesome. It scared him.

It confused him so much, he tried to climb up on the desk. With all that barking, he thought something was wrong. He thought something was going on outside. Matt said he had to explain to Mojo that it was just a doggie chorus singing. Poor guy.

And even Gunnar got a little bewildered when I showed it to him. But then again, cats don't really like dog barking.

Mojo aside, the video is amazing. And I kinda want it for my ring tone.....

Monday, January 16, 2012

New toy

I love hoodies, but they are inherently dangerous to wear around cats. Here, Gunnar decides to attack the drawstring on the hoodie I'm wearing.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Wake Up Call

I was sound asleep, when I got woken up by a cat. But it wasn't the usual yowl or catfight or Gunnar punching the humidifier. It felt something cold on my lip and opened my eyes to see Gunnar staring me down. Apparently he had just given me a kiss and now he wanted breakfast. I guess he was hungry, but boy do I love this guy.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Fun With Scarves Part 2

I had a terrible awful no good bad day and nothing seemed to cheer me up.

Nothing except.....playing dress-up with the dog.

Mojo looking fabulous in my new scarf
Mojo in profile

Detail on the scarf

And for good measure, I let Gunnar in on some of the fun.

Gunnar wasn't amused. He tried to fight with the scarf.

Monday, January 9, 2012

New Year's Resolutions

Mojo's (doctor mandated) New Yea'rs Resolution is to lose 10 pounds. So, it's a little more than a week in. How's he doing?
• We've cut down on his food. He gets 3/4 cup of food (instead of one cup) three times a time
• Instead of 4 cookies a day, he gets one.
• Instead of treats he gets apples, green beans and carrots.
The doctor said not to walk him until he was healed so we haven't increased his exercise yet, but we plan to. Does jumping on the bed count?

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Porch Sittin'

Gunnar practiced the grand Southern tradition of enjoying the warm weather on the porch yesterday. And of course, he made himself right at home on the extra chair.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Waiting for Dad

The kids were waiting for dad to come to bed a little after midnight. They were all crowded together and very sleepy.

Katie is sleeping, Mojo is trying to keep his eyes open and Gunnar is guarding the remote.

Sleepy Mojo. Annoyed Gunnar.

Friday, January 6, 2012


Mojo lives for treats. It's how he was trained. Every time he comes in from going potty, going on a walk. he gallops over to his treat spot and gives the the biggest smile you've ever seen.

Which is a problem when he's on a diet and REALLY REALLY needs to lose weight. It's not a cosmetic thing, it's for health reasons.

So this week, Mojo has eaten a lot of carrots and green beans. We tried apples, but he mostly thinks those are weird. Once he starts eating them he likes them, but he likes to move them around and take them out of his food bowl. While he likes his food to have different textures, cubed apples are too much.

The other day I put a cut up baby carrot and a couple of pieces of a green bean in his food. He ate all of his food, so that's his favorite so far.

The first time we gave him a green bean, he just chewed on it for the longest time. Matt chomped down on one and then Mojo figured out you eat it and that it  wasn't a chew toy.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Back to Work

After more than 2 weeks off work, it was back to the office today. And I don't know who was more upset about me: me or these guys.

How cute are Mojo's sad little eyebrows? 

These guys loved having their people home all day. They stayed in the same room with me. The kitties followed me around. Mojo lounged and smiled a lot.

Here's Mojo and Katie in the bed with me. I think I had the laptop and was doing some writing.

One morning I woke up to find Mojo to my left, Katie to my right and Gunnar curled up by my legs. All in all, they were excellent snuggle buddies.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Lost and Found

I couldn't find the remote anywhere so I asked Gunnar where it was. Hmm.....

Guess he wanted to watch a movie.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Helper kitty

I don't know what it is about changing the sheets, but the cats are all about it. Here, Gunnar is helping me change the sheets.
