Oh pukey kitty......He decided to yak this morning at......drumroll please......5 a.m. What is it about this cat and 5 a.m.?
I decided to wait and clean it up in the morning, but I'm a worrier so a few minutes later I got myself out of the warm bed. I used the flashlight on my iPhone to look everywhere. I got to the stairs and still didn't see anything.
"Where is it?" I whispered.
Turns out I have a magic foot because at exactly that moment I stepped in it.
Which after all these years, doesn't really faze me. I washed my foot, cleaned the puke up and went back to bed. I also scooped Gunnar up and put him in the bed next to Mojo. I thought maybe he needed some cuddles.
He didn't stay in the bed though. And then I heard a noise like he was eating something he shouldn't. So I scooped him up and put him in the middle of the bed and gave him some pets. He also didn't stay.
Then at 5:30 a.m. the wretching starts again.
This time in the bedroom in the carpet. I hate cleaning puke out of carpet. Please just puke on the tile or hardwoods. You're literally allowed in one room with carpet. Why must that be where you throw up?
So I leap out of bed and practically toss the cat into the bathroom, where he throws up and leaves. I throw some kleenexes on the vomit and go back to bed.
Only to dream that when I go to clean up the mess, it's turned into projectile vomit that's inches thick crusting on the wall. That it's green and boogery. I dream about scrubbing.
And then Taylor Swift starts playing. Stay. Stay. Stay. Stay.
Wait that's my alarm. So, about four hours of sleep. My eyes hurt.
All I want to do is go back to bed. and then maybe put some compresses on the black circles under my eyes.
arg. Something has to give with barfy kitty. It might be time to go to the vet. I just feel like he eats shit he shouldn't, but......ugh, just ugh for barfy kitty and my night. And then after I dosed off, between barfings, I dreamed about cleaning out like dinosaur amounts of barf only to wake up to more barf. Whine over.