Mojo has been diagnosed with arthritis for about two years now. The vet called us the other day and said that he's trying out laser therapy for dog arthritis. Did we want to try a session? For free?
For free! Why yes, we did.
So Matt took Mojo to the vet for the training day on the laser machine. And this is what Mojo looked like in the car on the way to to vet. He loves the vet!
Happy, happy, happy. I love going to the vet. |
The laser therapy involves putting a red laser the size of a fat highlighter on Mojo's joints and leaving it there for a few minutes. His blood cells are supposed to absorb the red light and it's supposed to help with circulation.
The vet tech showed me, and it just feels slightly warm.
That's Mojo getting the treatment. We had to wear glasses when we were in the room. I tried to give Mojo a pair, but he said he was fully accessorized.
Mojo liked the treatment.
This is what the laser looks like. Just a red light.
And after that first free visit, the therapy isn't as expensive as I feared. So we're going to try a few sessions and see if it helps with Mojo's pain. He still holds his paws gingerly, like he's afraid of getting hurt. Let's hope it helps.