Tuesday, January 20, 2015

The nemesis

Do you remember those old episodes of Seinfeld? Jerry had a neighbor called Newman, who was his nemesis. Meet Gunnar's Newman. (You have to say it with the same Seinfeld inflection: "Newman.")

This is a neighbor cat (we think he lives at the townhouse on the end) and Gunnar goes crazy every time this guy is around. He paws furiously at the windows, he wants out. (Possibly because he's jealous of Newman's tail. Newman is a brown tabby like Gunnar but with a tail.)

We don't actually know this cat's name, but even Matt has started calling him Newman.

Mojo chased Newman one day. Newman was rolling in the grass by our house one day. And one morning when I was only half awake I looked at this cat and thought: why is Gunnar outside? Only, he has a tail and really doesn't look like Gunnar.

Let's just hope Gunnar doesn't get out to do whatever he wants to do to Newman.

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Helping with the laundry

I was putting some freshly washed towels in the linen closet. I left the door open and this guy decided to make himself at home. He reminded me vaguely of the princess and the pea.