Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Matt's Brilliant Idea

Matt has decided that it's time for Mojo to start sleeping in the bedroom, rather than the bathroom.

He decided this one day at midnight and started frantically cleaning the room to get rid of things Mojo might eat: socks, paper, string, anything. I don't remember what day this was because I was sleeping like a sane person.

I haven't gotten a decent night's sleep since then.

We go to bed and Mojo runs around like a crazy dog for at least 30 minutes. He does laps around the room, chases the cat, steals her toys, etc.

Then he settles down. He tries to start burrowing under the bed and eating whatever he finds in the carpet, like hair. He tries to look out the window and bark at the neighbor dog. He tries to get in to bed. When that doesn't work he just starts licking people.