Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Today Mojo had a unique afternoon snack. Not the usual chicken, carrots or ice cubes. No, today that cat brought him a snack.

As previously mentioned, Katie's new hobby is knocking things off ledges. Today she decided to knock the computer headphones off of the small desk cubby they are stored in. Katie really likes these headphones, and if they are ever left out she likes to play with the string and try to eat the ear buds. For that reason the headphones are stored in a drawstring pouch when not in use.

Today she knocked the pouch off the desk and we can only guess she pulled the headphones out of the pouch. At which point we guess she decided to share her new prize with the dog.

Last week Mojo ate Katie shoelace, so it's not really surprising that he decided to eat the headphones. Specifically he ate one ear bud, the headphone jack and some of the cord.


P.S. We will update you on his condition once we know the outcome.

We never actually saw any evidence that he ate these things (I do have the remaining parts of the headphones), so maybe they are under a couch somewhere. That or they didn't cause any problems on the way out.

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