Saturday, December 31, 2011

Pets Year in Review

2011 was a good year for the pets. Pretty much they were spoiled beyond belief.

Mojo is a happy dog who smiles all the time. He’s always wagging his shaggy tail. He still thinks he’s a lap dog and likes to lounge on the couch. But this plus all of those treats in his foods and after going potty means he’s packing on the pounds.

He didn’t have as many playdates at the dogpark as he might like. He did have a birthday party and several dates at Sandy Creek Park. He did get a new football, though (fun!). He and Gunnar are best good friends. They play together, nap together, groom each other. Each time they lick each other it’s still the cutest thing I’ve ever seen.

Sadly, yesterday he got diagnosed with arthritis, but if he loses some weight hopefully that will be under control.

Gunnar had a good year. There was lots of pushing things of table ledges and bullying of Katie. He stomped around the house like a little emperor, only switching to stealth mode when plotting an ambush. He played with a lot of boxes, straws, pipe cleaners, pieces of dog kibble, pretty much anything we didn’t want him to have. All in all, he’s a happy evil kitty, who purrs a lot and lets us carry him around like a baby.

Katie is a happier kitty. It really took her a year to get used to us having Gunnar. She talks more now and hides under the bed less. She takes naps on Matt’s lap and is a lot more affectionate. She has this really funny tick though. If she’s trying to sneak past Gunnar, she walks in slow motion like it makes her invisible.

So that was the year with the pets. There was lots of fur. Lots of cuddles. Sleeping in the bed.

Oh, and I almost forgot....

Dust bunnies
Or rather the dust elephants. We live with a horrible amount of pet fur. Tufts of it even find their way into corners of rooms the pets don't go into. Sometimes it rolls around like tumbleweeds in the Wild West. We just resigned to the fact that there is always going to be a fine layer of pet fur on the furniture and that our clothes, especially black clothing, is just going to be pet-owner chic (i.e. covered in fur).

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